This direction of activity of the Almaty Technological University since 2013 is supervised by the Science and Innovations Vice-Rector, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Mizgul Zh. Kizatova. The Science and Innovations Vice-Rector’s divisions are the following: Department of Science headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Rauan B. Mukhtarkhanova, the Post-Graduate Education Department headed by the Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Lyazzat M. Kosherbayeva.
In the past years, the Scientific Vice-Rectors of the University were: Dr. Abdeli Dayrabay, Berdikul Rskeldiev, Abdymanap Ospanov, Murat Erkebaev, Asan Ospanov, Serik Tumenov as well as Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Marat Kozhakhmetov and Candidate of Economic Sciences, Abilkair Aubakirov.
The Almaty University of Technology employs more than 60% of Kazakhstan Doctors of Science and 45 % of the Candidates of Sciences and PhD in the food and light industry - this underlines the strong scientific potential and leading positions of the university among other universities in Kazakhstan. The recognition of the university leadership is based on the following: 1) approval of ATU in 2010 by the National Coordinator of the 7th Framework Program of the European Union in the thematic area: "Food and Biotechnology" ( BIO - NCP ); 2) – opening in the University in 2008, of the Standardization Technical Committee No.67: "New Generation Technologies and Food Products" which is a full member to the International Technical Committee ISO TC 34 "Food Products"; 3) -successful operation of the PhD degree awarding dissertation boards in the field of science: "Food Industry Technology" and "Technology of Light and Processing Industry"
The annual growth of scientific publications of the University scientists in the world rating editions is directly connected with the introduction of a new rating system evaluating the scientific activity of the teaching staff as well as open access for the scientists to the world-class scientific databases such as Thomson Reuter, Springer and Scopus. The "Vestnik ATU" (ATU Bulletin) scientific magazine has being published at the University since 1996, it is included in the List of publications recommended by the Committee supervising the education and science at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
High Priority Research Fields
In accordance with the main mission of the university as well as the goals and objectives being implemented in the course of their activities and taking into account the existing scientific schools the main scientific research fields have been determined at the University. These fields were defined on a basis of the development purposes and priorities of Kazakhstan as a whole:
- technologies and methods of storage, processing the raw materials of plant and animal origin;
- innovative technology of functional food products for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes;
- innovative methods of designing and technology of the textile and light industry products;
- biotechnological, chemical and environmental aspects of food products;
- safety of food products and non-food products;
- improving the economic mechanism of the food and light and hospitality industry management.
Effectiveness and recognition of the achievements of the University scientists by the world and the republican scientific community have been proven by:
- Gold medals and prizes of the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Nation Leader for young scientists’ scientific innovations (2010, 2012, 2014);
- European and Eurasian patents: "Method for producing dairy products (variants)", "Non-thermal milk processing Method" as well as the US patent "Method for producing dairy products (variants)»;
- gold and silver medals of such prestigious international exhibitions, forums and contests as the Russian Agro-industrial "Golden Autumn" Exhibition (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016), "Meat Industry" International Exhibition (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 ), "Agroprodmash-2012, 2013, 2014, 2016" Exhibition of the Achievements in Moscow;
- Gold Medal of the "Karaotkel zharmenkesi" Fair of Achievements of the Agroindustrial Complex of Kazakhstan, (Astana, 2011) organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- gold medals at the International "Kazakhstan Food Market" Food Products Exhibition (2014, 2015 Almaty);
- gold, sapphire buttons at the International "Siberian Couturier" Contest of Fashion Designers (Novosibirsk, Russia, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015);
- Grand prix at the competitions of young designers: "Siberian couturier", "Admiralty Needle", "Podium", "Caspian Week of Fashion", " "Zhas-Orken" and others.
At the International Competition among the World Universities: "Science and Education - 2013 " held within the framework of the Oxford Summit of Leaders the ATU out of 10 nominations became the best in 2 nominations:
"Best Innovative Project" and "Best Student".
According to the international and republican scientific and technical events plans he ATU hosts 2 international and 1 republican scientific-practical conferences on annual base:
- International scientific-practical conference: "Innovative development of food, light and hospitality industries";
- International scientific and technical conference: "Kazakhstan Cold".
- Republican Conference of Young Scientists: "SCIENCE. EDUCATION. YOUTH".
The scientific research commercialization system is also being developed at the university. The high scientific and creative potential of the University over the last five years allowed offering about 100 innovative projects to enterprises of the food and processing industry in the republic out of which 55 were implemented in production. Among them there is an improved solid aspiration system was implemented at the "Altyn Diіrmen" JSC, the grain processing ion-ozone cavitation technology – at the "KazBestGray " LLP, technology of production of new types of "Kletchatka" and "Ideal" grain bread - at the KhBC "Aksai" LLP, economically pure laser technology for milk processing – at the FMZ "AukatObis LTD", chromaticity determining apparatus – at the "RG Brands Kazakhstan" LLP.
The scientific and innovative activity of the ATU is aimed at ensuring the continuity of the innovation cycle: "education - research - innovative development - practical application" as well as strengthening the human resources capable to develop and implement the innovative projects.
The high priority development fields of the university's scientific potential are the following:
- integration of scientific research, educational activities and high-tech production on a basis of partnership with leading foreign universities and scientific centers;
- improvement of integration training of the specialists in the field of science intensive technologies and modern management on a basis of close interaction with the basic enterprises and research institutes.
The scientific and innovative infrastructure of the University consists of 3 research institutes operating on a basis of 9 scientific research laboratories, 15 departments, 7 research and production centers: bread, meat, dairy sectors and pasta sector equipped with mini-mill; Kazakh-Korean scientific and educational center as well as research and production centers: “Asem Service” fashion and textile industry, Fashion Center and a specialized laboratory for undergraduates and PhD students scientific research.
The Council of Young Scientists is being functioning in order to consolidate the efforts of young scientists and specialists in developing the topical scientific problems and to solve high-priority scientific tasks in the university. The research conducted by young scientists contributes to growth of prestige of youth’s science and improves the image of the university as a whole. Scientific achievements of young scientists of the university have been recognized by the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Master course in the ATU has been functioning since 2003 in 18 specialties as a form of training the scientific and pedagogical staff and specialists with in-depth professional training.
Ph.D. courses in the ATU started in September 2009 within the framework of the experimental program as per the state educational order on the specialty: "Technology of storage processing and food safety". PhD training has being provided since 2010 in 11 specialties.
Master’s and PhD degree programs assume active research work, participation in scientific projects of the university under the leadership of senior specialists in high-priority areas of science and practice.
In 2012, the Postgraduate Education Division functioning since 2006 was changed to the Post-Graduate Education Department (PGED) which also includes the Doctorate and Magistrate Divisions. The PGED is now headed by Lyazzat Kosherbayeva.
Realization of educational MBA and PhD courses is carried out by the University in close cooperation with the leading foreign educational and scientific organizations.
Due to the extensive international relations of the university the undergraduate and PhD students of the ATU have the opportunity to travel for training and internships to the foreign universities and research centers.