Power BI offers a wide range of visualization options to help users represent and analyze data in a meaningful and interactive way. Some of the common types of visualizations available in Power BI include:

Tables: Simple tables display data in a tabular format, making it easy to view raw data or aggregated values.

Matrix (Pivot Table): Similar to a table but with the ability to group and aggregate data dynamically, allowing for more flexible views.


Column Chart: Displays data using vertical bars.
Bar Chart: Similar to a column chart but with horizontal bars.
Line Chart: Represents data using lines, useful for showing trends over time.
Area Chart: Similar to a line chart but with the area under the line filled.
Combo Chart: Combines multiple chart types (e.g., line and stacked column) in a single visualization.

Filled Map: Displays data on a map using filled regions or countries.
Bubble Map: Represents data using bubbles on a map, with the size of the bubble indicating a measure.
Gauges: Circular visualizations that represent a single value in relation to a predefined range.

Cards and KPIs: Display key metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) as single values or with additional visual elements.

Slicers: Interactive controls that allow users to filter data across multiple visualizations based on selected criteria.

Scatter Plots: Displays data points in a two-dimensional space, useful for identifying relationships between two measures.

Treemaps and Sunbursts: Hierarchical visualizations that show data in nested rectangles (treemaps) or radial structures (sunbursts).

Funnel Chart: Represents stages of a process as progressively narrowing or widening segments.

Donut Chart: Similar to a pie chart but with a hole in the center, allowing for better use of space.

Ribbon Chart: Represents multiple categorical datasets in a ribbon-like structure, useful for showing relationships.

Waterfall Chart: Illustrates how an initial value is affected by a series of intermediate positive or negative values, resulting in a final value.

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